The Wagner Society of Boston
Sunday, December 4, 2005
2:00 p.m.
Wellesley Free Library

Overall, the Wagner Society of Boston, a new organization, provided the finest screening in my movie's life of one year. The screen was very large for the room (a major plus), the sound system was excellent and my request of beginning and ending the movie in darkness was granted. I was so pleased with the venue that Dalia Geffen provided, assisted by Cathy Boettjer of the Wellesley Free Library. There were about 40 members in attendance and they all had interesting and varied questions to ask.

Martin Segal, me and Jennifer Belok
This was a whirlwind trip to Boston - a 7am train up and a 6:40pm train back. I was honored to be picked up at the train station by Jennifer Belok, the daughter of the conductor of the legendary Varnay debut, Erich Leinsdorf, along with her friend Olga. She even brought me a delicious lunch to gobble down - something I do very well as most of you know. Also attending the presentation was my friend Martin Segal and his friend Marsha Martin (they should develop their duo piano team (Martin & Martin, of course).

Dalia Geffen, President
After the screening, Martin and Marsha took me to a quick but delicious dinner at Figs Restaurant. It was an exhausting but rewarding day spent in Boston!
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